Seven Brief Lessons on Physics

Carlo Rovelli

I was reminded of Yoda’s famous statement – “Judge me by size, do you?” after I finished this book. It is all of 79 pages, and yet, it manages to contain an excellent summary of the laws that hold together the cosmos. Or at least, the ones we have managed to understand. From Einstein’s general theory of relativity to the still misty realms of quantum mechanics to a fascinating lesson on thermodynamics, it is an absorbing read!

I found questions that I have spent a lot of time thinking about. For instance, “Is reality only interaction”? A fantastic idea where science and philosophy meet. I also figured out a possible reason for my fascination for watching waves. There is a vague connection between the surface of the sea and the broad texture of the universe.

Despite the tough subject, the writing and the manner of explanation makes the book accessible without being condescending. The author is knowledgeable enough not just to guide us through the immutable laws of the universe, and the genius minds of those who have worked it out, but also to be humble about how little we know, and how limited our time in this universe could be. Not just as individuals, but as a species.

Even if you don’t really have an interest in theoretical physics, give it a try. You won’t be disappointed.

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