Paperweights. The ones with either a dancing girl/couple or a snowman at the centre. Turn it upside down, and the ‘snow flakes’ come floating down. Long trips away from routine make me feel like those flakes. I float for as long as I can, but i can’t defy the gravitational pull, there’s no way but down. All my floating is restricted to the confines of the paper weight, I can only wistfully look outside. When the upside down movement happens, I know that I’m in for a ride. I know it will be wonderful while it lasts, I also know the inevitability of the descent. In the initial moments of the floating, I am able to forget the ending, and enjoy myself, but towards the end, I end up counting the moments left. It is time to land, the journey is over.
Remember Forrest Gump? Through the movie, there’s a white feather that floats around. A while back, I read somewhere that it represents destiny and luck, which is why it is shown to appear at opportune moments. Its free, unconfined and goes where the breeze takes it. Sometimes it gets stuck on to things, and then a gust of wind helps it resume its journey. Does it keep track of its journey, or does it just enjoy the ride?
I read a piece by Fred Wilson recently, which talked about failure, and making mistakes, and learning from them. It led me to thinking about the words and their connotations. Both the words signify an end result that didn’t turn out the way it was supposed to. It made me realise that these days I have to figure out destinations before i start. And I’m not talking about trips or vacations, its about daily life. There are expectations set – about how the week should go, how the work should be, how the weekend should be, how the movie should be, what i should write, how it should turn out, and so on. The expectations are about people too. When it doesn’t happen the way I want it, there is a disappointment. This might sound obvious, but I don’t know how conscious each of us are about our dependency on the plans we make, the expectations from life and what we do, our version of ‘what should be’.
And as this happens day after day, the habit and the conditioning gets stronger, till we don’t even pause to think where this is all leading to. I realise that the more the conditioning is allowed to settle, the more the pattern for the journeys will be set, and the more it will limit the journeys that can be had. So its not even about work or entertainment or even a way of life, it is about the way the mind has begun to function, the thought processes, the walls and the defense mechanisms that increasingly seem to have a will of their own. Somewhere along the line, there’s also the concept of ‘hope’. Hoping for a better day, a better way of life, all within the structure that I have brought into being.
What if I let go? One of Forrest’s lines go “I don’t know if we each have a destiny, or if we’re all just floatin’ around accidental-like on a breeze. But I, I think maybe it’s both.”
Destiny, these days, raises a paradox for me. I could say “That is my destiny”, and work on something and perhaps achieve it. Success gives satisfaction and then I move on to the next objective. So its a bit like the destinations and the traps there. Or I could say “I’ll float and let destiny take its course”. But if I did that, can I be sure where I land and what I will be is my destiny? The best destiny possible for me. Heh? Ah there, control again. In either case, it seems a retrofit. Can i un-expect, not ‘control expectations’, just un-expect? Is that getting closer to objectivity?
It is written. The post has to end. Did you expect it to end this way? Did I disappoint?
until next time, nishkama karma points
if you figure out the endings BEFORE you begin at start point, hats off to you. I am AGHAST.
maybe taking a chance has something going for it?
some unexpected outcome? how would you ever know unless you take the plunge?
routine is dead-brain. take my word for it.
oh well, maybe one makes mistakes with the figured out ends, but the conditioning is definitely there…
yes it is, but there are so many dependencies, and they just accumulate over time…
Was it destined that I’ll comment here? Or I just floated in?
In any case, I’m happy to see that there are fellow travellers who want to experience objectivity!
am glad too
“In many parts of the world, if you fail once, you are done. People won’t touch you with a ten foot pole.”
Couldn’t help grinning.
but its true, judging comes naturally to most…
Reminds me of that quote, ‘The only problem with doing is nothing is that you don’t know when you’re done”. I think I’m doing too much of floating around and need to figure out where I want to go!
very true..
ah yes, destination points, i might be at the other end of the spectrum :]
Just keep rowing. “Being Fluid”. You’re why everyone has a website, you know.
Yes, Tomorrow. Dont know. Living.
This is my kind of math.
i like your kind of math… except i can’t seem to get the numbers right, i just resist playing with them