The regular route that I take to the office, and one back. There are buildings, homes, people, shops, and trivia that I don’t notice when I pass them regularly every day. Its not that they’re not interesting, but somewhere down the line, they have become routine, a part of the landscape, something that I take for granted, without putting too much of thought into. It took an auto ride to make me see all this in a different light. Perhaps it was because I wasn’t riding.. I didn’t have to pay attention to the road, and had all the time to leisurely watch the scenes and the life unfolding in them.
And that made me think whether the same applies to people too. The different people that we interact with, at work, at home. Over a period of time, do they become a routine in our lives? Unidimensional characters in our mind, who have been moulded by our own biases and subjective judgements, and so set in that mould, that we fail to see a human being with its own values, feelings, and a life that’s being lived in myriad interesting ways. Does our perspective become so set in its ways, that we take the people in our lives for granted. And we have to wait for life to give us an auto ride to make us see them from a different vantage point?
And then, what about people who always take auto rides? Do they manage to have a different perspective, but one that still gets set over a period of time?
until next time, look around
this same thing happened to me too, and I realized while I took a bus ride instead of riding my bike – and i was like – man, am i missing so much things while I ride every day…
I’ve noticed what you said, when I am driving, and when I am not there is a huge difference in one’s perspective… but never thought about it in the context of people.. now you have me thinking, what would mean by the life’s auto ride? who all would I see in another light?
Autoride? Then you begin to walk.
Daily autoride takes your focus off all this.
Maybe its just that any change (in the mode of transport here), changes the way you think..
Source:personal experience
Life has this interesting design…we are almost always made to take these auto rides…jus that they came in a disguise called…death, break-ups, a lost promotion, a serious illness…its in these moments of adversity that we pause to think…so whats happening around me?
Enjoyed the autoride althought it was a little bumpy!
One day i you.. one by one everybody will get the chance to notice. Then..we will forget all..bcz life is running at its pace ..which indeed is very FAST..
When you dont have to ‘drive’ you can see the sights !!
‘Unidimensional characters in our mind’ ! precisely what we are diong to our country too
you are right about the people who take autorides regularly. I reflect like you suddenly one fine day but other days, it is the same. Sometimes I am lost in my own thought, sometimes I am cribbing the traffic and the potholes that I don’t notice many things around.
it happens once in a wake up, see things anew..then its back to routine…till teh next auto ride comes…
Its nice to be on the passenger seat sometime. I too find things very fresh going by the same route when Rocks is driving.. makes me see what I miss everyday.. a profound thought to change perspective once in while or as they say in management, wear different hats … !!
exactly why i choose not to drive when husband’s available to be the chauffer. surely provides another dimension that you completely miss when falling in the routine of driving. interesting observation.
anoop: yep, a change of perspective does that to all of us
kunal: this the perspective when i took an auto ride on one day.. life’s auto ride is when your routine gets upset on a day.. thats when you start noticing other things that you always took for granted…
austere: almost the same na?
maan: very right, its just about the change of routine..
seriously_frivolous: hmm, not just adversity, i think.. most non-routine experiences give us new perspectives..
sari: you always have a choice
kavi: would disagree on the country part…
arunima: yep, and that would answer kunal’s question too
suma: agree
pallavi: mad hatter in the making
roop: hmm, i don’t have an option that way.. the auto it is !!