Hide and Seek

..and some embrace the world in all its flamboyance, exploring each and every pore for all its worth. Some retreatinto self made shells or spaces where no one can find them, literally or virtually. Some of us succeed in losing ourselves, some of us in finding ourselves, and the unfortunate ones fall in between.

until next time, where art thou?

10 thoughts on “Hide and Seek

  1. but wouldn’t it be unfortunate to find yourself? Where do you go from there?? The unfortunate ones may be fortunate after all 😉 Ignorance is bliss!

  2. Good one …but there is no stopping..when you find yourself u realise its just the begining on another journey (new and exciting in its newness ) and as they say – its an eternal quest ..the finding is relative and bound in space and time .

  3. @much ado about nothing – try listening to your own silences ..to yourself ..take yourself away from the clutter each day ..

  4. Why’s it that we talk about “finding ourselves”? I’m not lost. Everything I am or will be is there. I just need to unfold it little by little.

  5. thx cynic 🙂

    epiphany: i think its an easier thing if you manage to find yourself… perhaps, like the matrix, it cant be explained to those who havent found it?

  6. MAAN: ah, it will come to you 😀
    P.S: i see madame shruti has given you some tips, let us know after you’ve tried them 🙂

    drenched: remember neo in matrix? 😉

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