It had to be black or white. Then came the greys, and then, the different colors, a justification for all that we did. But then came the social sites, who just might bring it back to square one. Friendship requests to be answered with a yes or no. A digital age with a binary code.
until next time, zero or one?
what about fuzzy logic??
There should be another option.
is this person you friend?
yes/no/I don’t want to say yes, but I can’t say no
And then the person sees you on their friends list, but he won’t appear on yours.
friendship shud be made over a drink …
Not to mention the classification.
1. Havent met.
2. Acquaintance.
3. Friend
4. Good friend.
5. Best friend.
and Tys on ice.
Buy me a drink and we take it from there.
Golden Words.
a square in a circle of friends!
Where’s the post on your traveller conversations gone?
epiphany: thats a thought
AP: haha, thats a good start
tys: which can be done on facebook
GW: not that people pay attention to that…
sreejith: aha
ideasmith: which one’s that?