A Generation Awakens

Well, Mr. Mehra, if the editing was slightly slicker, they wouldnt have fallen asleep in the first place.. hmm, yes, that might have been a bit unkind, but those overboard reviews did irritate me.. and so, no review, but an argument on the thought process behind the movie..( yes, i am making an effort to be intellectual..hehe)
while i do not dispute the fact that an attempt has been made to create an awareness in the minds of today’s youth, perhaps the similarities of the azad-bismil-bhagat singh scenario and the occurences in the current times are too strong a stretch of imagination…the nation’s freedom was something that each individual would feel strongly about, but today, so many generations have been moulded to the ‘adjust’ mentality towards corruption, nepotism, and the casual way to administering a country that it is too difficult to pull them back colletively..how many of us would not pay a bribe in this day, this era IS about convenience and what money can do for you… and therefore it is an issue that has to be addressed at an individual level..will this movie make you do that.. it didnt make me..to paraphrase what madhavan said in the movie, if you want to make a difference join the police,the army, the IAS, politics and live your ideals..
in my mind the movie that made a better impact was farhan akhtar’s lakshya.. it was a casual selfish individual’s journey towards becoming a heroic soldier, and somewhere along the way, his realisation that there was more to the world than just him – society, nation and his responsibilities to them…that movie didnt work at the box office, so perhaps mr.mehra is right after all in trying to arouse the fervour in his own way…
until next time, nothing can awaken those pretending to be asleep….

11 thoughts on “A Generation Awakens

  1. “…nothing can awaken those pretending to be asleep” Well said bro 🙂

    Pixie darlin’: why u troubling poor Hyde?

  2. hey SwB

    prero: i think its getting extreme reactions.. depends on what you expected it to be – timepass/intelligent/jingoism…

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