Far from the madding crowd…

absolutely an out of the world experience, he thought, that was what he was having here.. peace was the first word that came to mind when he thought of his current lifestyle…he was comfortable with the routine and the rules..and the food, they didnt give you pizzas or chopsuey, they gave you what they thought, and you knew, was good for you… and there was freedom all around, so long as you didnt harm others- in word or deed.
but he wouldnt have thought, even in his wildest of dreams that he would be landing up here, at the zenith of his professional life… all the targets, launches, conferences, hirings and firings, wild parties, wilder women.. all seemed such a long time ago..that was the professional life…
on another front, there was a loving wife, who understood him.. though in their final days together, their communication was nil…. he somehow felt that it had something to do with her affair with their common friend, the doc…all those secret meetings and phone conversations and the secret glances (even when he was around) seemed to suggest that.. hell, towards the end, he even felt that she was trying to flush him out of her life, like the shit she considered him to be…
sometimes he felt that his friends and relatives knew long before him that he would be giving up his ‘wild’ life and coming here.. they hadnt mentioned it to him… but they all seemed to agree with his wife when she suggested it to them..thats what one of his friends had told him, when he also landed up here… he had known she was behind it, but he had played along, even when the place didnt turn out to be what she claimed it to be ..
she was happy now, well, so was he, for he was far from the madding crowd…. he wouldnt change a thing, but somewhere deep inside, , he knew there was some little thing that had gone wrong somewhere, because he had brief patches of missing moments, and yeah, he hated those shock treatments, he wondered what they did that for…
until next time, dont get mad, get odd…

28 thoughts on “Far from the madding crowd…

  1. Dunno why ur post has got me into a lil bit of introspection… it tells me that I need to get back to someplace I don’t quite belong.

  2. j: uh oh, lets talk about it…hehe

    arvind: the ‘bad’ was meant for the existing situation, not the reality check :).. and what was the coment u removed??

  3. Cool end. ‘Expect the unexpected’ would describe your posts quite well though. And ur punchlines are well thought.They complement that suspense element in the post.

  4. *nods head* @ Existence situation…and well bout the comment I removed..well My refresh button was havin an orgasm…kept sendin the same comment again…so just played the role of ur comments moderator..!!!! hehehe

  5. erratica: am wilfully trying to get out of the genre now..hehe.. but thx 🙂

    j: nopes, just trying to get out of an unnecessary but possible end..hehe

  6. austere: this post is creating a lot of undesirable side effects..hmm

    arvind: hmmm @ the refresh button..lol

  7. Two choices –
    Live life like crazy and end up crazy!
    Live life… enjoying and relishing even the odd things working hard at relationships and oneself rather than at work… and die happy!!

    Which one….??!
    *hmmmm pondering hard*

  8. Unfortunately, not everything has da purfect ending! Now i know y its so goddamn difficult to find someone as purfect as me 😉

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