Metaverse: Get a second life
As gaming, AR and VR continue to advance in terms of mechanics and popularity, is the metaverse becoming more real than before? What are the components that need more work, and thinking?
As gaming, AR and VR continue to advance in terms of mechanics and popularity, is the metaverse becoming more real than before? What are the components that need more work, and thinking?
Its rightly said that however thinly you slice the bread, there will always be two sides. Sometimes the very features that makes me love the social web – sharing and transparency, are not treated with the respect they deserve. Or, to be more specific, the crowd is not able to react maturely when someone is […]
Neal Stephenson It’s really difficult to write a review of this book, because I’ve never read anything like it before. All I can say is that its extremely engrossing and while a lot of the stuff he has written about like avtars and virtual worlds are real now, it must have been quite original in […]
MMOGs have always fascinated me, but I have never managed to get hooked on to Second Life. And I’m yet to read Neal Stephenson’s Snowcrash, though its been on my shelf for sometime now. But yes, I insist that I am interested nevertheless and still play a browser game set in the middle ages. […]