
In Guns, Germs & Steel, Jared Diamond showed how and why civilisations unfolded differently across the globe. In Collapse, he uses a five-point framework to analyse why different civilisations collapsed. He cites examples from the past and then examines modern societies, their challenges and what leads civilisations to make disastrous decisions. Not an easy read, and the depth of research sometimes overwhelms, but an insightful read.

Guns Germs & Steel

Not an easy read, but persist and you will be rewarded with a fascinating answer to the question that the book’s blurb asks – “why has human history unfolded so differently across the globe?”. While the more famous “Sapiens” tackles how humanity reached its apex position in evolution, it doesn’t try to answer why, say the Spanish conquered South American empires, and not the other way? By looking beyond the proximate answers to that question, the book is able to reveal important insights on evolutionary determinism even within the species.