
Ever wondered who makes those awesome games for the iPhone? Meet 99Games, one of the major players, with many t Muscle training exercises op AppStore games to its credit. In conversation with the founder Rohith Bhat. [scribd id=60829020 key=key-20dkpswy77bchw37wyas mode=list] zp8497586rq

Game Theory Revisited

1978 : rattles (educated guess)1980 : assorted dolls, building blocks1982 : wooden ksrtc (kerala govt transport) bus,lorry,plastic cars1984 : plastic/metal robots, Lego (thanks to dad’s US trip), guns (toy, that is), snakes and ladders1986 : Rambo stuff (bow & arrow, guns..the works), cricket, ludo1988 : scrabbles, hockey1990 : monopoly, indoor cricket1992 : mortal combat, steet […]