Building Brand Frameworks

It was an interesting coincidence that a couple of weeks back, around the time I posted on brand building and the effects of instant gratification (largely in the context of social media), I also got into a minor debate with a colleague on brand communication – tonality, voice etc. This is a topic I constantly […]

‘Algebra’ & Twitter

My favourite story in Paul Theroux’ ‘The Collected Stories’ is Algebra, a simplistic tale of a clerk easing his way into London’s literary crowd through one chance meeting and several arranged ones thence. Friendship is like algebra, but there are operations most people are too impatient or selfish to perform. Any number is possible!…. But […]


Sometime back, there was a debate on Samadooram, a talk show on Mazhavil Manorama. The topic was the changing nature of colleges in Kerala, specifically the waning influence of arts and creativity in general. Panelists included a student politician, a regular student, a college professor, a socio-cultural commentator, a literary figure, among others. Among the […]

The Biere Club

Having been thwarted once on a ‘table for 2 after 7pm on Saturday’ at TOIT, we decided to try another tack at The Biere Club and reserved a table via Poshvine for Sunday noon. Here’s a map for those who aren’t sure where it’s located. Parking would really depend on when you’re dropping in. One option is to park […]