
Many of us miss out on the books we want to read because of the difficulty in finding them, or the cost involved. Ring-A-Book aims to address both pain points. In conversation with the founder Abhishek Tripathi [scribd id=67915527 key=key-9j8sgd4gm0v8fcezmkr mode=list]

Weekly Top 5

This week’s updates include Foursquare and Gowalla updates, Twitter photo-sharing on SMS and acquisition of Julpan, Zynga’s addition of Indiana Jones to Adventure World, the Lighthouse Cove expansion of Farmville, Angry Birds theme park in China, Rovio’s tie up with Starbucks, Facebook Newsfeed and Timeline updates and tie-ups with Spotify and Yahoo, Google’s Chrome Store […]

Weekly Top 5

On Winsows 8, MS’ deal with AOL and Yahoo, Apple’s patent scraps, Facebook lists, notifications and subscriptions, Twitter’s Promoted Tweets, Web Analytics tool and funding, Google’s Zagat buy, Flight Search, YouTube edits.. [scribd id=65149255 key=key-ha97voe8c063wcg1kht mode=list]

Weekly Top 5

This week’s stories include Zynga’s Adventure World, IPO, Newscorp’s Noah’s Ark; Groupon’s IPO, Facebook’s Daily Deals, Yelp, Apple’s patent wars, Facebook’s iPhone app; Twitter’s Bing deal, Google’s shutdowns, acquisition of Zave networks. [scribd id=64353228 key=key-7shc7673fs33ls19m55 mode=list]


TaxiGuide.in is an online car rental booking service that allows you to search, compare and make an online reservation of cars on rent/hire in 77 Indian cities. In conversation with co-founder Ashok Ananthakrishnan [scribd id=63958354 key=key-27hhilv5qmfjxfi3q19f mode=list]