Slowly and then suddenly…

…because we’d like to have the best physical abilities that any species has in terms of moving, seeing, hearing, strength etc. From the mind’s perspective, an organ that could upgrade itself to store more, to experience more, to work faster, to be more accurate. And it doesn’t stop there – reading others’ minds, telepathy… We…

Front tier journeys

The pandemic has the potential to cause a step shift in disparity. Not just in the familiar 1% and 99%, but within the privileged classes as well. This is an exploration along three areas – money, relationships & society, and evolution – to the future of front tier (and frontier) journeys.


My version of crystal gazing, broadly categorised as follows. You can also read the latest posts here. All images via Unsplash

On books and realness

The books on the bookshelf. Each with a story to tell – when I bought them, where, and why. Some of them are gifts. There is a tangible sense of our history (theirs and mine) and collective mortality when I run my hand across their spines, and flip through their pages. Sometimes they also contain the stories…

The path to immortality

I’d written earlier on how brands could use an individual’s data (the personal API) to fit themselves into his/her narrative and had used Nike as an example.  But this data could also be used by fitness and health companies to discover ‘fault lines’, gradually delay wear and tear, and one day, totally prevent a machine shutdown. This video…