Indian Summer

Pratima Mitchell I must admit that in the beginning, this book reminded me a lot of Kiran Desai’s The Inheritance of Loss’. It was probably the Himalayan setting, grandparents, a young girl living among mostly older people and the presence of the ‘Liberation Front’ in the background. But its just a coincidence, as ‘Indian Summer’ […]


Micrograam is a technology-enabled peer-to-peer lending platform to meet finance needs of underprivileged people in rural India, by connecting them to urban lenders. In conversation with founder and CEO Dr Rangan Varadan [scribd id=105223717 key=key-1ekabz5gl34nk8el6dn9 mode=scroll]

Over The Top

(first appeared in Bangalore Mirror) A list of new restaurants/lounges in Koramangala would be bottomless, and Over The Top Terrace Lounge is the latest addition. (yes, there’s valet parking) Two flights of stairs from Enigma on 100 feet Road (map) will take you to a wonderful open space, with wooden furniture and if you stretch your hand […]