Brands and Plus points

Considering that I tweeted this sometime back, and found this a great read, this post is not on the pros-cons/ how to use Google Plus or on the lines of 'why I am getting out of Facebook and hopping into bed with Google Plus'. These are just thoughts based on a query I asked on […]

A People Person?

Scott Adams’ post titled “People who don’t need people” (via Surekha) reminded me of Asimov’s Spacers, the first humans to emigrate to space, and their life on Aurora, the first of the worlds they settled. Scott Adams predicts that “we will transfer our emotional connections from humans to technology, with or without actual robots. It […]


Ever wondered who makes those awesome games for the iPhone? Meet 99Games, one of the major players, with many t Muscle training exercises op AppStore games to its credit. In conversation with the founder Rohith Bhat. [scribd id=60829020 key=key-20dkpswy77bchw37wyas mode=list] zp8497586rq