This too shall pass…

Not a simple subject, but he’d been reading up, and even writing about it. Though he hadn’t completely internalised it, he felt he was beginning to understand. But the actuality of ‘transience’ hit him when his computer crashed. Photos, notes, accumulated over 7 years. Gone! Data recovery attempts failed. He too was yet to recover. […]

Weekly Top 5

This week’s stories include Twitter’s Local Trends, expansion and plans to acquire Tweetdeck, Living Social’s and Groupon’s moves in the Deals space, Foursquare Day statistics and Loopt’s Q’s, Google’s quarter results, GMail features, and some Apple news. [scribd id=53596043 key=key-mgn8qcsutn18ez3wvb3 mode=list]

Social Collaboration eg.

My friend via Twitter, Prem, (twice over, because both his handles are friends :D) got me thinking on ‘Social Collaboration’ ever since he wrote this post, attempting to define the term as used by its vendors. Despite a good discussion in the comments, a definition proved elusive. Though I began to agree with Prem’s assessment […]

RedBug Kreative Kits

Why buy mass-produced plastic toys when we have an abundance of traditional and safe material to entertain and educate our children with? That’s the question that led to the making of RedBug Kreative Kits. Read On for more [scribd id=53230556 key=key-v5aul99wtkyj4z3dt41 mode=list]