
There was this experiment suggested in ‘Tomorrow’s God‘ – to look in the mirror and stare into your eyes. If you concentrate and hold your gaze long enough you’ll begin to ‘step outside yourself’ and ironically, have a more objective view. Its a bit similar to some meditation techniques, I think, and though I read […]


The review was first published in Bangalore Mirror. Though the tattv remains the same, the presentation has been changed 😉 For those familiar with Umerkot in Koramangala, this one belongs to the same family – AST foods. Gautam had mentioned this earlier to me, and given me enough of a glowing recommendation to warrant a […]

Brand agencies redux

One of the ways to measure brand communication is to view it through the prisms of effectiveness and efficiency. I sometimes get the feeling that with time, mass media became more of an efficiency game. Then social technologies came along and forced the marketer to acknowledge (the forgotten) effectiveness criterion. That would explain the resistance […]