Month: December 2010
But what do I know?
Unlike in my other blog, Seth Godin is rarely referenced here. But when I read this post (rant, he says) from him titled “Deliberately uninformed, relentlessly so“, I sensed some vague connection with something I’d written a while back. Unlike other posts of Godin, whose blog I religiously follow for its ‘food for thought’, I […]
Recruiter Box
[scribd id=51587964 key=key-1q1ng4tx792y59xipuo0 mode=list]
Animal’s People
Indra Sinha “I used to be human once. So I’m told. I don’t remember it myself, but people who knew me when I was small say I walked on two feet just like a human being..” That’s how the book begins, and sets the tone and perspective for the book. The title of the book […]
A different social circle
The ‘inefficiencies of scale’ in a social business scenario is something I keep writing about – wrote about it recently in the context of Google vs Facebook too. So I found this article, which was about the demise of Facebook in 5 years, very interesting. Though predictions are dime a dozen and are many a […]