L. I have loved Bollywood for a long long time. Though I’m more a fan of the ‘unBollywood ‘ movies (best represented by our poster child Abhay Deol) these days, the first love retains its charm. I have written about this before, and am especially happy when I find others who share this interest – Mo, Meeta, TCP, and even Cyn, though elitist that she is, she will never admit to watching the snake video multiple times.
S. The interest, in my case, also extends to the fringe players in that field – remember Ramsay brothers, and that cool show called Toofan TV on Channel V, which was based on all the howlarious stuff that got made – desi Bond movies, snake movies, and yes, most importantly the sleaze genre, carefully camouflaged in horror/jungle themes, and the resources for which were awfully scarce then. An era before computers, personal or otherwise.
So, here I was, at our regular DVD shopping place – Temptation, on Church Street, and what do I see?
Golden oldies! Now the name made sense. Yeah, I know its all over the net now, and access is easy, but real shelf space! And hey, mine is a generation before remote controls happened, you have no clue how difficult things were. S3x was a 3 letter word, and 4 letter words were only beginning to be formed, and we had to look away or were asked to go to another room, when some stuff did appear on screen! So you see, its easy to get emotional about such things!
D. Refused to let me buy them. As a consolation, I got the Love,S3x,Dhoka DVD (priced at Rs. 69, kid you not)
. 2 months later, armed with a more fierce resolve, I arrived, and noticed that Temptation had given way to a computer games store.
until next time, prnic healing
PS. Other Temptations flourish on Church Street.
Are you serious? My husband will be heartbroken at what has come of his favourite DVD place too!
Closed indeed.
We have a bigger problem because that was probably the best place for Mallu CDs