The letter from his bank spoke about their pleasure at his carrying out a transaction with them after a long time. They looked forward to serving him well in the future too. He doubted that. After a year of stupid procedures that hampered any transaction he attempted, he’d closed the account a few days back.
until next time, shitty bank
PS. Inspired by a friend’s true story, though I’m quite happy with the bank in question
..and on the blog today, a 55, “Don’t bank on it”
this particular can strain can spawn a million 55’ers – I just had a session with a cell service provider which is making my blood boil
Very well put. Lovely!
nice one
Ofcourse they will look forward to serving him well in the future. Their year just ended ! And you know whats with new year resolutions….right ?
ha ha ha. i also have no prbs with my bank though some frens complain about it.
cyn: i try not to have conversation with those guys… i think calls from us even to customer service is one of their revenue streams!!
sangfroid: thanks
kunal: thanks man
kavi: resolution and dissolution
arunima: i’ve also notice there’s never any consistency.. some of us are lucky