From the lift, he heard the shouting on his floor. If he was greeted the same way he’d been the last few days, he’d complain. He hated confrontations. It didn’t help that he had to confront a 6 year old, who was learning karate and whose straight punch greeting landed at his body’s strategic points.
until next time, karate kids!!
you have a kid?
come, join the kickboxing class
ouch that hurt! time to learn better defensive techniques?
hahaha !!
Temmme..what wud u do if a kid really hurt you bad, unknowingly?
turn away, run and its just a KID??
Hahahaha. Why are they called strategic points anyway?
I remember peers breaking bricks. And then, bunking exams saying that their hands hurt !
Those were diffeernt times though !!
arunima: neighbour’s
anoop: yeah, looks like it!!
kunal: offense the best method of defense?
pallavi: yeah yeah :p
epiphany: yeah man, kids and old people..get away with most things
abhishek: thats a below-the-belt query :p ..but unknowingly is easily forgiven… meanwhile, i’ve not been averse to pinching kids who try to be smart with me (esp in crowded buses, dark theatres) :}
austere: when you’re getting out of a lift, there is no room for strategic maneuvers
amdp: an attack on such points disrupts overall functioning for sometime
kavi: smart peers
a new meaning to hurting all over?