The blog’s editorial policy (ahem, we have one) ensures that tags are taken up only in the rarest of rare cases. One is when the tagger is someone who can’t be refused, and the second is when the subject is so compelling that it deserves a post. The relationship of the latter with ego massages, is a part of the above mentioned editorial policy that shall not be discussed.
So, I was conferred the Brillante Blog award by two bloggers who are very dear to me, and who I hold in very high regard. First, by Phatichar, and then by Ideasmith. And just as I began writing this post, Suma left me a message. Somebody likes my 55s!
For those who came in late, this tag is an attempt to discover and connect to more blogs, and as part of this I have to write a post and display this award, and finally tag 7 blogs which appeal to me in content or design. And so, without further ado, here are my seven wonders
A vividness that that knows no ends
A subtlety that transcends
An eye for detail that’s a gift from the maker
There’s no one quite like Austere seeker
The name could actually be a misnomer
For she has a never ending supply of humour
But then the sarcasm plays a hand
And we get Cynic in Wonderland
Life and Other Such Nonsense
The title does sound intense
LOL, that phrase would summarise
The hilarious and addictive Tys on Ice
From award related strife
To wonderful slices of life
Everything is of consequence
On Arunima’s Silent Eloquence
From Bangalore to Mumbai he was hurled
But he still reaches out to the world
And be the matter amusing or bemusing
Kavi will give it a trademark musing
An amazing blogger from Down Under
Whose radicalism can tear you asunder
Jolt you, yet humour you, if anyone can
That’d be Orhan Kahn
Sarcastic to the point of being misanthropic
With a humour, that’ll always be chic
For the best portrayal of life’s colors and hues
Visit my buddy Saltwater Blues
This damn list reminded me of the kind of menu cards I hate. The ones with about 20 awesome chocolate desserts, and i can manage only a measly seven.
until next time, i really wanted to tag this guy too
Soo brilliant chey, boss!! Awards in poetry and all…wah wah!
I am starting to like this badge cos it’s lead me to quite a few interesting blogs
Thank you Manuji.
I read that first as “a weirdness that knows no ends”
Hey thanks.. some amazing material to chew on..
For a moment i picture myself with a Jim Carrey type of thank you ! Then i think that my rants & rambles have arrived. In a fleeting moment i change my tack, and want to tell the world that i too won an award….and then..
I just give up. Awards confuse me ! This is my first one. In recent times !
Thank You Manu !
thank you very much saar. Brilliant is the word!
I will never be able to write something like this.
ailla a pome!no one has EVER written a pome for me! Thank you, thank you, thank you. ( incidentally was going to put you on the list. I REALLY need to finish writing this tag before i run out of people now)
Ideasmith: hehe, an award calls for some fun na?
Balu: that, my friend, is the idea. So, very good
austere: glad
maan: my pleasure entirely
kavi: in recent times!! that’s so celebrity like :p
arunima: of course you could woman!!
cynic: no one has written a pome for you, huh? evil woman, check this out
But this is one WHOLE VERSE!
oh yes i do like your 55’s and the half liners you leave as comments…too
and now you write verses too…?
got here through ideasmithys and now will be going over to the other blogs that you recommend. love your space here …