She answered the doorbell, and told him he was wanted. In his foggy early morning state, he reached the door and found a woman blinking at him. He blinked right back. To diffuse the stalemate he asked what she wanted. She said his wife had told her to wait while she sent the waste outside.
until next time, not fool’s proof
HAHAHAHAHA!! I love your wife’s sense of humour!! Too good!
That was so very funny! I’m sure you didn’t find it as funny
now that is one of the better April Fool tricks
lol ..

The best April Fool prank I heard this season!
heh..heh…do i dare try this on an unsuspecting hubby? do i? I must….;)
what a perfect fool’s day
Attagirl, D
Hahahahaha!! I’m stealing thus trick for next year.
LOLOL.. everyday life ??? I can identify..
Long time reader of your blog. Wanted to say thanks for bringing a smile every time I read a post. Is some one asks me what ‘witty’ meant would redirect to your blog.
~nm – stories, though some are based on reali life situations
kunal –
MAAN: give it a try next time
jyo: you wish :p
drenched: and let us know
thanks leo