Most of their friends and relatives were dead. They would’ve compared the WMD use to Afghanistan and Iraq. Not just in terms of the damage caused, but also because, in their view, the biggest pest around, the one who instigated all this, was still walking around. She might have agreed, thankfully she couldn’t hear them.
until next time, read this for the big picture
the bug stops here, eh?
back in school, ‘after math’ we had english!
Khee khee khee….
Before next time, plizz to update your blogroll with my new URL?
I liked the post and quite liked the first comment.
So does the bug stop here !
tys: haha, now why didnt i think of that?
austere: nope, on a larger scale
sreejith: sigh..
ideasmith: done , ma’am
kavi: our tys is quite a funny guy
Day 1 of 2009. A good time to do Pest Control. A couple of posts in context