He tried opening it, but with exactly the same result as before. He was almost in a state of panic now. The day was almost over, and he absolutely had to get in. He wondered if the others were as anxious as he was. After all, how long could you keep Facebook closed for maintenance?
until next time, social disaster
Who told you to get on it the first time?
* in a told you so told you so voice*, no faaaaaycebook and dusty orkut a/c.
You read about the latest hungama? who needs imagination when you have the front page of the TOI?
Am not in facebook…almost leaving orkut…journey of a social beast back to jungle
yea.. quite a farcebook.
hahaha….u r the epitome of life in a virtual world!!
austere: oh, but it helps pass time
… TOI, you say? hmm, happen to be working in the Times Group 
layon: you unsocial creature !!!
sreejith: nah
bips: yes, the efforts continue