He was a beach boy. Gimme the sea any day, he said when quizzed on vacations. That was until he met them, and no, it had nothing to do with the Indian fascination for whiteness. Tall and majestic, with a grave look that came from having seen it all. Silent, eternal, awe inspiring, the Himalayas.
until next time, mountains due 
gimme the mountains anyday…beaches gets sand in my undies
Mountains everywhere I turn. Clothes, dishes, books…
which part of the himalayas? too wide a ‘range’ for me to guess
This is interesting especially since in one of your recent posts (http://manuscrypts.blogspot.com/2007/10/and-that-leaves-only.html) you talk about how you HATE travelling….hmmm….But Himalayas is cool…I wanna go thr too sometime…
Oops…just re-read the post. This was fiction na….silly me..
tys: why wear them at all?
AP: whatcha reading?
sreejith: lets narrow it down to the part of the range in India :p
shobha: i hate travelling… but its a mental block, and sometimes the destinations make the block worth overcoming