All the travelogues, all the travel programming on TV, and all the photos on image sharing platforms- I’ve read them all as messages, but never picked up the bags and set about travelling regularly. Now, i can give operational excuses, but i also know that those are not the real ones. For quite sometime now, I’ve had a block in my head, but could never decipher it myself. And the worst part is that it wasnt always like this. While i’ve never been a travel freak, i’ve never shied away from it either.
It took Nude Ellie to give me an insight into this bug. The first and easiest insight is that i am incredibly lazy. Even that trip might not have happened if it werent official :). And it is perhaps only fitting that it was an office space that gave me a thought.
I’ve realised that travel necessarily means meeting new people. And not just meet, but also see large amounts of humanity that i may not meet, but faces that i know exist. In this case, floors and floors of cubicle farms.
Now this might sound weird to many, but that to me, is a bit like those starlit nights. And while i love staring up at the sky, I’ve slowly built up a revulsion to the other thing that evokes in me a feeling of insignificance, a feeling that i haven’t done anything to be truly special.Ego/ Frustration? Or plain old existential angst?
until next time, wanderbust?
you know something, crazy as it may sound, i totally understand…iam a recluse by school i was called by the student psychologist as a misanthrope ( hell, tht sounded so cool, i had a t-shirt made , with the wrong spelling)…i dont its ego..its just abt an overdose of humanity…it kind of makes me claustrophobic…so ,among my friends, who hve been patient with me and my ways, iam a jerk whn it comes to parties..coz i dont always turn up…
defer this thought for atleast the next decade and welcome wonder, pls.
look at travel as a means to escape from all the overwhelming mass of humanity?
Somehow seeing known faces is far more irritating at times than getting lost amongst strangers in an unknown land. The sense of anonymity is very welcoming!
But why do you want to stand out? I personally feel solitude in a mass of humanity is the best place to be…well until that becomes your identity anyway
tys: tooootally with you
austere: its never too early, i say
sreejith: but its xactly the opposite
much ado about nothing: context based, i guess
epiphany: we obviously differ i guess