Nude Ellie

That was the status message on my Google Talk for a couple of days last week… A lot of guys who dont bother saying a hi when i have a normal green button insisted on saying one when i had this custom message with a red button… It happened to elicit a lot of responses ranging from numbers associated with Ellie – her vital stats and her mobile number to social questions – whether i could do a quick introduction.
Now, it was the first time in 14 years that i was seeing this subject of extreme curiosity and i must say i was pleasantly surprised. Cleaner, calmer and most definitely hot, changed my perspective completely. And thanks to this reacquainting, i also got to meet two people who i have known only virtually. While i spent only a few minutes with N, since we were both on working time, i had dinner at J’s place. While i exhibited my usual atrocious sense of humour and other anti social skills, she really couldnt kick me out, since she had a plastered foot.
But, i digress, this is about nude ellie, only Shobha cracked it, and the most heartfelt response i got was one i got on facebook was this
(reacting to the status – Manu is exploring Nude Ellie)
He: I want to explore nude ellie too.
Me: All major carriers have flights from Mum-bai to Nude Ellie
He: Manu, you are terrible

until next time, have you met Erica ? 😉

16 thoughts on “Nude Ellie

  1. * Laughing so loud that my maid here is wondering whats wrong.I was curious about ‘Nude Ellie’ too, but was too polite to ask 😉

    Btw, did I tell you that you are even more witty and interesting in real life ?

    ~ j ~

  2. way too cool, man….iam going to blog a post which will include words like porn, sex, masturbation, lesbian waiteress, etc…iam sure tht any search on any search engine will lead to the post….

  3. So what was the response you got when you said the vital stats of nude Ellie was 1,483 km? :p :p Oh…I did not know u were into dieting n all :p :p HA HA HAAAAAaa

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