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Oh my God!!! I am in advertising this is total plagerisim. and I share your sentiments, ‘I used to love the Mentos ad until’. now I wonder if the remaining ads in the series are for real!
Oh, damn! That was one of my favourite ads.
dhivya: your agency, my friend
AP: you are in a big crowd
Do you think there is anything original in India apart from our rants and street brawls? You are under illusion!
Oh damn! Mine too
OHHHH! this one’s quietttt disappointing considering it comes from the best agency in the country
bit of a help.. if you absolutely any other info on this iad like if u know wen this was made.. or the upload date on utube of this (might give an idea of when it was probably made) then please do buzz and send it.. would be really great.. thanks
rajesh: wouldnt agree to that
cherie: how’ve you been?
tanaa: I’d uploaded the ad on you tube, didnt see any like this then.. the latest update is that O&M is suing the agency who made this..apparently theirs was the original
thanks a tonne for the info.. lol! OnM should give u a cut for exposing them… ha ha.. dnt leave them