And I have finished the last book of the Foundation series.. dragged it on for as long as possible, but had to end it.. dragged it because it wasn’t an experience that can be replicated anytime soon, because its truly one of a kind, and i haven’t come across anything in the genre that comes close to it…
Anyways, the book also gave me a glimpse of the fact that inspite of the passage of time, there might be some things that would never change.. the main protagonist has to make a choice that will decide the future of humanity, and he feels that somehow the answer to his dilemma lies on the planet of the humanity’s origin – Earth. By then, Earth isa forgotten entity, and no one knows where it is… and so the search begins….
i guess, its the same with us too, as we grow older, and as we face the ups and downs of life, we all long for the place where we hope to get the answers, the place where everything’ll be set alright, the place we like to call home..speaking of which, as Daughtry sings
Well I’m going home, Back to the place where I belong….
Until next, they call it God’s Own Country
i play Ozzy’s “Mama i’m coming home” when i go home and i am playing it now! yay! And verdant is an understatement for Kerala at this time of the year
Absoultely lovely it is.
Leaving on a jet plane, to the country roads that take you back to mama?
And yay, it’s raining.
“we all long for the place where we hope to get the answers..”
If you find the answers…let me know !
sreejith: HOT!!
AP: and therefore HUMID!!
kavi: ah, but what makes you think we have the same questions