I suddenly realised that long before google came on the scene, we were used to the concept of context… a few days back, i had sent our recent goa photos to an old schoolmate, and instead of sending me a reply, the damn fellow decided to leave a scrap in my orkut account.. and so, i was forced to go to my not-so-favourite site and check it out… and while i was there, i also visited his page and couldnt resist checking out old schoolmates (or as SwB claims, peeking at old crushes, which i vehemently deny..hehe)…
we are all out of touch, except for the stray e-mail blasts that get launched every once in a while that someone feels particularly nostalgic…and its not just school friends- college friends, colleagues from previous jobs and so on… of course, maybe its just me, but i feel its quite a common thing to lose touch with people who were once an inseparable part of our lives…(perhaps that explains the success of orkut, because it gets one back in touch)..
and thats when i realised that perhaps, wittingly or unwittingly, we make contextual relationships- school, college, jobs.. and its not just people but sometimes even places and cities… and since these relationships are in context, they end when the context ends… and leaves in its wake, memories, which in times to come, give us those bouts of nostalgia….
they say, as we grow older, we tend to go back to our roots, perhaps, a few years down the line, we’ll see a generation going back to a prehistoric site called orkut to relive their glorious past 
until next time, take a trip down memory lane…
So true..despite detesting orkut for it’s ‘gate-crash-into-somebody-else’s-party-and-watch-others-gatecrash-into-yours’ kinda feel, it sure’s a great tool to reunite with lost friends (if luckily they happen to be net-savvy). Not too many from my days, anyway.
True…like the good movies and the good books this site has also addressed the needs and
emotions of people..may be thats why I visit this place at least once in a week
I guess it is no coincidence that the song ‘When You Were Young’ by The Killers is stuck in my head.
hmmm. u say context. i have a theory….its almost the same. i believe, ppl come in our lives to help us, teach us something or when we need them. they go when that job is over. context. yes.
nostalgia. lots!
You always know about people you really cared for/ or loved.
And if still you don’t know their whereabouts then probably its for a reason, and that is in best interest of everybody!
Btw, I hate orkut.
yeah that’s so true – what u said about having relationships in context. pretty sad actually… makes me wonder what does do if u wanna kee p a lifelong relationship? what context will that need? will it survive?
Please, it puts fhoto of Madeleine in your Bloggue
Missing Madeleine!
Madeleine, MeCann was abduted from Praia da Luz, Portugal on 03/03/07.
If you have any information, please contact Crimestoppers on
0800 555 111
Please Help
phatichar: one of the things we love to hate
NT: only?
OK: “with a little help from my friends”?
bips: ever read mitch albom’s ‘five people you meet in heaven’?
stone: hmm, point to ponder
essar: needs a lot of work… its like what they say about love – if you dig deep enough you’ll find selfishness