And the lure of the web continues…. worldwide… as the third edition of the friendly neighbourhood super hero’s screen antics released on May 4th… i think i underestimated the fanbase a little bit as i was caught napping while the tickets at PVR and INOX were sold out for the weekend… but thankfully, there was a friendly neighbourhood theatre down Brigade Road, which we had never had to visit in our four year stay in Bangalore… Rex, the non multiplex in the centre of Bangalore…
And after these last few years of multiplex movies, i had forgotten the non DTS sounds and the non cinemascope views that could be experienced in a theatre.. and so just about managed to salvage the movie from between the sightly silhouettes and massive denim coated butts,crying children and adults exercising their freedom of speech…But all that was okay, for it wasn’t just another movie, it was spiderman…
and since it was spiderman, it brought back a lot of memories – of sunday evenings spent watching 15 minutes of cartoon on Doordarshan.. of singing along with the title song..of gulping down hated flavours of Rasna just to get the Spiderman masks that came free with it.. of wearing the masks and pretending to be the friendly neighbourhood superhero.. of gazing longingly at the full costume hung inside the classy showroom….
they say every kid needs a superhero, but it was nice to realise that some adults choose not to grow out of their childhood fancies…. as peter parker says in the end – we are nothing but the choices we make…
until next time, happy swinging 
P.S: As far as reviews go, lets just say there’s only about 20 minutes of web, the rest is offline 
I remember how thrilled I was after watching Spiderman-I but I was umarried then, and now I don’t have ‘appropriate company*’ to watch such movies
(* – read don’t get permission)
Btw, loved the ‘Rasna’ masks and spidy series on DD bit.
Finally something we differ on.
Turned a Batfan when I started seeing the animated series on DD. Till then, all superheroes were the same.
spiderman spiderman…friendly neighbourhood spiderman….spins a web anytime…catch the thief just like that….here comes the spidermannnn…!! wasnt it?? ohhhh loved the show.
that suddenly reminded me of time spent watching “Giant RObot”.
six in the eve…dont know the day of the week.
wud start making maggi chicken noodles at 5.50 so that its hot and ready to go with the half hour of Giant Robot.
didnt see much of spidey tho …
oh ! You brought back wonderful memories ! the song Spiderman, spiderman..friendly neighbourhood…still rings true. So near !
And the Rasna ad..i always wondered why the kid came on tv and said “I love you Rasna”, when i couldnt stand the drink.
Didnt know the marketing tricksters back then ! Didnt know i will evolve into one either
came here for the fourplay ..but i see am a week n a half late …
but as they say … ‘bltn’
happy anniversary , manu ..have another rocking one ..
stone: psst psst trade secret, convert wife into fan
TCWB: but i am an all superhero fan..hehe
bips: yegjactly..hehe
gg: oh yeah, remember that… the break dance steps, arm up, arm down, fly… japanese, wasnt it?
kavi: some of my classmates used to have a crush on that
thanks sanguine
thanks for this nostalgia-evoking post ! “sunday evenings spent watching 15 minutes of cartoon on Doordarshan.. of singing along with the title song..of gulping down hated flavours of Rasna” … yes, exactly the same. Plus fond memories of the Japanese Giant-Robot, German Tele-Match … and another fav series which used to air on Sunday evenings – “Different Strokes”