hmm … and if we south-indians do succeed in making one of our actors the President, the first thing the actor’s followers do would be erecting a 30-foot tall cutout of him on the lawns of Rashtrapati Bhavan
now that wud be a good contrast from bachelor kalam saheb … a colorful contrast .. vaise bhi the bachan family enjoys the status of the first family of India .. we might as well make it official ..*sheesh*
lol! i thought south indians made gods out of them
awful idea, he does’nt deserve to be prez or anything near !
As a south indian, the ‘thalaivaaaaa’ cheers for rajinican’t annoy me! so big b for prez annoys me just as much! never mind :p
hmm … and if we south-indians do succeed in making one of our actors the President, the first thing the actor’s followers do would be erecting a 30-foot tall cutout of him on the lawns of Rashtrapati Bhavan
now that wud be a good contrast from bachelor kalam saheb … a colorful contrast ..
vaise bhi the bachan family enjoys the status of the first family of India .. we might as well make it official ..*sheesh*
seriously!! its like aking things too far….anyway..aage dekho hota hai kya!! yeh hain india! haha
My vote!
Doesn’t count, you say, eh?
What nonsense
MAybe he can contest for “I am crazy for money and will do whatever endorsement/movie/show you want me to do for it” award.
incredible india !
whats wrong wid having Big B for president .. he definitely has the looks for the job
besides its every indian citizen’s right to be eligible to go for the indian presidential elections.. hehe
prero: er, among other things..hehe
cyberkitty: yo, xactly my thought
ketaki: why not rajni for prez then?
taks: why not, i say
sanguine: i protest!!
bips: yeh bhi hai india !!
austere: not in this one, prez elections you see
canary: he neednt, he will be a unanimous choice
kavi: incredulous!!
isha: incorrigible!!