Not the kind thats given in KBC, more of the kind thats given in mobile handsets and computers.. Both of the above, at the time of purchase, are loaded with a set of features that the manufacturer feels, are enough for the model to give its user a good experience… But of course, the user doent exist in a static world. he sees other people around him with models that are loaded with features, perhaps the same model with better downloaded stuff. and so, even though his model might be giving him a good experience, he tries to better it by downloading stuff and installing more features.. some of these do help him get a better experience, but some of these end up spoiling the set or the comp totally..maybe, the manufacturers have seen all this happen before, and therefore they have a little option given in between all the features, that says Default Options… and all is back to the way it was before…
Perhaps we live life the same way we use the devices too, unfortunately, the manufacturer in this case doent believe in resetting to the default options… however, it is possible that he has left enough features for the user to get back to default options..
until next time, no locking the options….
i actually need expandable memory to take a backup before i got back to the default settings…
nice analogy btw!
wow that was way way deep scryptsy
i know exactly what you mean by that.. i completely screwed my life over.. n time is an important constraint in life when you try and restore default settings
no ctrl+z that aint fair! [:(] nice post!
pixie: ah, yes thats a possibility too, a kind of best of both worlds
isha: true, with animate things, it definitely is a factor
anz: not fair, like a lot of other things ..
seriously smart. chip overload, is it?