The last week saw Bangalore witness the social unveiling of two potential prodigal sons – one, the son of a fashion designer/ page 3 fixture and the other, the son of the chief minister and the grandson of a former prime minister/ current state kingmaker/ humble farmer.
Adam Bidappa, son of designer and page 3-proclaimed fashion guru Prasad Bidappa- decided to expound four letter wisdom to cops who were trying to enforce the 11.30 deadline. the policemen, who, in the best of times are not great conversationalists, waited for Adam to get physical and then decided to let their lathis do the talking, and shut up Adam, verbally and physically… Like father, like son, would be a fair thing to say, since the dope on Prasad is that he had been shaken up a bit when he was in Dubai last, for possession of well, dope…. adam’s famous last words- do you know who i am?
Nikhil Gowda, son of chief minister Kumaraswamy and grandson of former Prime Minister and self proclaimed humble farmer Deve Gowda (made famous by photos of him sleeping on the dais), landed in a sports car and created a scuffle in a local hotel, and later claimed that he was beaten up by the hotel staff.. the government machinery is (for once) working in top class speed to make sure the case is hushed up.. the famous last words were “Do you know who my father is ?” (though i wonder why there wasnt a auto retort for that from the hotel guys who were mallus – if you dont know, how are we supposed to know?)…
and so, in the world’s largest democracy, in a city whose worth is being built by an IT meritocracy,a new setup is being made – bratocracy…
until next time, a class apart..
poor little indian kids…. still hanging onto their parents…
thats one thing (of the very few) that i appreciate about the west…. no one really cares who your parents are… youre on your own.
Banglore may well soon be asking , both those questions!
“bratocracy” a very apt term !
its not just those kids.
anybody with money or muscle or both tends to be a brat.
the farmer’s son with the sports car!
What are they farming?
The farmers grandson has a hummer. Cant speak Kannada and its no fault of of his.
Blame it on his friend ! Who came home at night. And said you must come out with me as i go and beat up the hotel guys. The CMs son was eating lollipops with his left hand !
Huh !
grafx: but i guess its also because there are only so many celebrities otherwise..
cherie: no way, bangalore’s on a totally different trip, ‘Do you know what my name is’?
dharmabum: that depends on the maturity of the person concerned, doesnt it?
arunima: right now they are acquiring more land
kavi: the article in ToI when kumaraswamy was made the editor for a day was full of contradictions!!
maturity, u say? u’ve gotta be as mature as god. remember, power corrupts
send them over to guj for some reaaal training, whats this natakbaji.
loved the mallu line…
dharmabum: it need not…
austere: but isnt it an india phenomenon?