Girish called me earlier this week. In a very practised spiel, he told me what good a demat account would do to my life and finances.. and in a very practised way, i said thanks but no thanks..On an average i get around 3 calls a week giving me stories about lifetime free credit cards, holiday packages, insurance etc.. yes, i am kind of a loser, because i think thats way below the average number of calls one gets.. of course, i am a notch above an ex colleague who used to have extended conversations on various subjects with the pizza call center people… 
The latest mall in the city is the traffic signal.. there they try to sell me goggles, handsfree kits, CDs, magazines and newspapers, wallets, no, apartments i think are still a little way off..And yes, how could i forget!! the traffic signals also house those who try to sell me their deformities, and in the process, perhaps my guilt.. the guilt of having been born with all limbs intact, the guilt of having a house to stay, food to eat, clothes to wear…
a few years back, i used to be a sales guy, selling broadband… even these days, i become a sales guy occasionally, when i am attending an interview.. i am selling my skillset and trying to negotiate the best deal possible for myself…and thats what i have realised, at the end of the day, its one big marketplace, we are all selling something, sometimes to others, sometimes to ourselves…
until next time, for everything, theres a price to pay…
sales is common. and its the thing that we are all born with. rite from the time we cry for milk, we are selling our needs.during exams we sell our intelligence, during interviews we sell our skills. its all sales, and yes, its a big market place.
oh yes…selling skills, selling needs, selling emotions and on this blog selling ideas….
i ve always believed that marketing is the One science of life. in fact almost everyhting that holds true for sales, holds true for life one way or other.
until next time…keep selling!
manuji, so what IS new?
Professionals ARE their own pimps. True.
Only the best things in life are free… bad is that!
I usually buy newspapers, flowers or peanuts from kids selling them at a traffic signal, just to see thier smiles light up their faces with joy – it just makes me feel like a superstar !
mebbe we shud also give once in a while, along with our day to day selling. give. no strings attached. makes a lot of difference to all…especially the giver!
I like your ‘About Me’ caption
i can only just see why only a couple of posts ago you were bitching about ppl all trying to take your money!!!
meh ..
anyhow ..
.. intresting how you hang out at my blog .. where all i really talk about is material aquisitions..
.. im intrigued scriptsy i really am! .. omg ..need i say that your blog is totally hot its lay out n all 
im baaaaaaaack!! ( in a completely UN swarzeneggery sort of way.
appu: wonder when it moves from unconscious to conscious..
deez: aha, someone’s back to her usual self :))
austere: that you’re back from a two week hiatus
cherie: ouch!!
e: very…lol
dharmabum: yup, from experience, it does make you feel good, but it also makes you wonder if you are doing it to reduce the guilt…
SOLA VIVIT IN ILLO : chalo, theres something likeable about me
isha: hehe, i like to see what the other side does..and thanks
grafxgurl: *faints in euphoria* :))