Doordarshan, Sunday, 4 pm.. remember? In the days of only ‘Distant Viewing’, this was what i used to wait for on Sunday evenings.. before the days of live transmissions, this was your portal to get glimpses of international matches.. i used to curse them when they chose amatuer wrestling, billiards, chess and inane stuff i never knew could be classified as sport, and the entire show went without cricket, the only game i had an interest in..
Times have changed, and tennis, Formula 1 have been added to the interests, and therefore last week is an eventful one to me… early in the week, my favourite Las Vegas gamble in any tennis tournament, the one i used to bet on in any match, despite whatever odds- Andre Agassi, played his last match.. he lost the game, set and match, but in a larger picture, there would be few who could match him.. i was a fan from when he said Sampras looked like something “that swung off a tree” to the time when he said “Sampras, Sampras, Sampras, Sampras, Sampras” when asked who were the five greatest players the game had seen.. Of course i hated him a for a few days when he married Graf, but then that was only a few days…in the sport that starts with ‘love all’, he ended it, loved by all..
Monza witnessed a great race last weekend, Schumacher is now a couple of points from Alonso,and there are still 3 races left.. But that was not the only reason why Monza was eagerly awaited for, this was the place where Schumacher would make an announcement about his future.. and announce he did, his retirement. Another favourite, on a different track.. In a sport that starts when the 5 lights go off, and ends when the chequered flag is waved, he had a career chequered with controversy, but more brightly lit than any other..
They leave behind empty spaces in an ordinary fan’s mind, empty spaces that cant be filled again,because in a different corner of the world, he grew up with them, cried when they won and cried when they lost.. Matches and races created memories that were special, memories that reminded him of how it was when they were the icons, they were the supermen.. they were the ones who he thought would last forever..
and so, their departure also tells him that times have changed, and a new generation is busy creating its own heroes.. its a new age, one that also has virtual XBox heroes along with real ones, its an age thats isnt so easy to belong to, when he is used to a different league of heroes..and so, like with every other thing, he relies on memories, bittersweet memories… he closes his eyes, sees the stadium, hears the frenzy and remembers the days that used to be, and the times that used to be….and applauds an era that has just made a final bow..
until next time, game over
After Graf, I have not really liked any of the newbies.
I don’t like their dresses too in the court.
Are you interested in a black tee with the slogan “GAME OVER” printed on the rear?
hmm..’World of sports’ with Anupam Gulati
@Hyde:: Something similar here
Me sad… me very sad. Sampras earlier and Schumi now. The greatest pity is that i cant find the same passion for anyone else as i did for these guys. Well i guess its Generation Over.
arunima: well, er, maria sharapova is kinda good
hyde: why why?
stone: yegjactly
sreejith: i am trying to get used to raikkonen now
.. that kubica guy is also good..
I never thougt I would say this but I miss Doorsarshan.
Does anyone here know about / remember AFS (Bobbie) Talyarkhan and “Looking Back, Looking Forward”?
Well, I know a guy who sells these. I am getting one for a friend that says “If you can read this, the bitch fell off!” and “If you are cute, rich and single, HONK!” for me.
If you are interested, let me know. It isn’t like the one Stone is talking about. D might not let you in… or me. :-))
I can’t imagine a world after Tendlya. How bout U?
sinusoidally: hehe, all of us do, sometimes
e: uhuh
hyde: but how much does he charge.. i do have a few lines i want to get printed.. had thought i’ll go to the whizz guys@ the forum or garuda..
dobereinerr: there’ll be a world, but a very different one.. the ongoing series is proof enough..
For once, I like sameness. Any ideas to keep that different world away for good…!