Independence Day preponed

In a stunningly radical move, the ruling Congress led UPA has gotten the Parliament to pass a law that makes the Independence Day a variable date. The lower house of parliament passed the bill late last week amidst heated debate and a walkout by the opposition; the upper house’s approval made it law the following day. In a press release, the Opposition spokesperson had this to say,
” We are appalled by how this government could take such a step. This is against the spirit of the nation. Tell me, could you ever think of changing your birthday? It is something sacrosanct which evokes deep emotions in every citizen of this country.”
The Congress party spokesperson defended ” We have always maintained that we are a people friendly government. This particular law has also been enacted to give a benefit to the society in total. In any case, there is a clause that states that the variable date has to be within 2-3 days of the original independence day. Statistics would prove that a lot of people are unhappy when the day falls on Thursday/Tuesday etc, when they have to take an extra day leave for a long weekend. For example, this time the independence Day is on Tuesday, with this law, we can change it to Monday, and give the entire country a long weekend.”
until next time, freedom to…..
Disclaimer: This work is just a product of the author’s imagination.

13 thoughts on “Independence Day preponed

  1. yes interesting thought… it would save us from taking an extra day’s leave 🙂 bah….if wishes were horses etc


  2. The idea is brlliant, it should always be selected to fall either on a friday or a monday, disclaimer or no disclaimer

  3. stone: hehe, i had a feeling you would agree.. only now, you would ask that for July 4th? 🙂

    aqua: maybe we should do one of those online petitions 😉

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