There is a university that i was once a part of, no, make that twice. Once, when i spent years 3 to 13 living there – discovering a world on a tricycle, climbing buildings under construction, playing cricket for hours on end, walking among rows and rows of acacia trees, listening to grown ups talking science and mathematics and politics, going to kindergarten, feeling all grown up when going to school, discovering a world on a bicycle, seeing people walk by with red or black flags and wondering how cool it must be to carry a flag and shout on the road.
The second time, a much briefer timeframe – 6 months, coming back to a wave of nostalgia, to a world I had spent time discovering, to walking up the stairs of buildings that were constructed almost two decades ago, to getting tired after a few overs’ spell, walking among rows of buildings that once used to be the ground on which acacias stood, listening to grown ups talking management, to feeling grown up when doing post graduation, seeing people walk by with red or black flags, and realising how childish I was when I thought it was cool, because by then I had been there and done that…
A few months back, I saw a newspaper headline that the university had been shut indefinitely – it seemed most of everyone were on strike, against each other – students, administrative staff and the university registrar, who had been manhandled by a set of students. The students were on strike for something that should be as far away from academics as possible – politics. The exams had been cancelled, and if this goes on for even a couple of months, perhaps this year, there wont be a convocation at all in the university.
Now the university has silent rows of buildings, and kids waiting for their exams to get over so they can play cricket, cycle around, discover a world, listen to grown ups and think how cool itwould be to carry red and black flags and shout on the street.
The university has always had people with flags, it still has them. Can’t blame them, it takes time to understand that flags ain’t so cool. Like most things in life, it is a lesson that can’t be taught, it has to be learnt. That takes time, and a part of life itself.
until next time, dumbstruck….
Introspective and nostalgic all at one time?
But I agree, somethings just have to be learnt with experience and over time…
sigh.. its sad…i hope they DO learn…sometimes… they dont. if they dont want to.
nice post! Exactly…it’s so sad! but then…life goes on and so do institutions…
true… learning lessons is a part of life.. let’s hope they do…
That’s happening a lot nowadays – like at Jamia. Students hardly attend college but they still pass with good marks !
its a strange thing when u see something like this happens …
Sometimes even with time and experience you dont leant a thing, and thats when you know that you are in deep shit.
Have waved a flag at one point in time.. thought i was working for a gr8 cause..turns out was just a puppet in the hands on the management…
You know this is one of the saddest things of all- watching an institute falling off the ratings..
somethign increadibly miserable about this..
PI: hmm, i do end up mixing the two more often than not..
grafxgurl: or they cant..
aqua: that it does..
sunshine :
cyberkitty: there are exceptions where students do get better marks without attending classes and studying by themselves, but if it has a political angle, thats bad..
prero: not so strange, considering the way kerala operates..but saddening, definitely.
jhantu: or perhaps they dont know at all..
sqrl/nt: i guess we’ve all been there
austere: yup, and worse is the fact that its not an isolated story..
flags of change.. sometime it feels like we are revisiting history.. again…with a different kind of impact and concept..