He experienced the first attack in his own route, in his own regular starting point… he was lucky not to be scarred for life… his mind was in a turmoil, it had never happened to him, he had heard about such things happening in other parts of the world, and to other people, but this was his regular haunt, a place that was almost a second home to him, where he spent time everyday..it couldnt happen here…
he blinked and looked around to see if he had been dreaming.. a few glances and a couple of questions later, he was sure that it was very real indeed.. but he was still in denial.. he tried calling a couple of people or sending sms.. he partially succeeded and got in touch with guys from other locations as well as guys further ahead on his own travel route.. it was happening everywhere, and everyone was affected…
he didnt quite know what to do.. honestly he wasnt prepared for this kind of stuff, and he wanted answers.. who had done this, more importantly why… he got the answers a while later – LeT, SIMI, and this was only a reaction.. but hell, how in the world was he connected, what had he done to deserve this… he, along with all the others who had been affected, was just going about his life..he didnt know who to blame and how to react… of course, he could join the entire gang and condemn and send mails and demand explanations, but the damage had been done…
but there was something he could do, he promised himself that when it was all over, he would visit every single person he had been acquainted to in his route, and tell them how much he feared for them while all this was happening, and how much he missed reading them…so from cynic and anz and aqua to the monk and joe and everyone in between, i am dropping into share the grief we all went through 
7/17 shall always be remembered as the day when our worlds collapsed..
until next time, as if writer’s blocks werent enough!!
must say one of the best posts I have read on 7/11…beautifully written!
VERY well said, manuJI.
what a dheela comment but see what a blockade can do..
Is the ban still there?
Thats was insane act!!
The ban was lifted here in Bombay a few hours ago.
..oi and i thought i was ur bludy favourite … hatt saala!
The cloud has passed.
anand: ah, but this one is different, its 17/7..
austere: yup, it does affect us
stone: the ban is gone, but i am still stuck
SWB: of course you are, but it doesnt do good to state the obvious, na?