
That was a term that became famous in the US and Uk when outsourcing was an issue that was topmost in people’s minds… Now its sort of been relegated to some tshirts that float around…
The man who makes our mind sing, the PM himself, was in town a few days back, to discuss some issues pertaining to civic infrastructure.. apparently the normally calm guy got a bit flustered after experiencing the traffic scenario…. so he made a few telling comments on how people should learn to how to handle themselves in traffic and stop being so horny all the time :D…
but its something i notice all around these days in the people of my age group these days, no,not the horny bit, well that also, but more importantly the arrogance and the feeling that the world exists to serve him… i see it in hotels, offices, parking spaces, malls, the blatant disregard for the rest of humanity… its the language of money, of the money thats (also)being earned by the outsourcing of jobs that i started out the post with… the misbehaviourin traffic is just one of the manifestations…
this crowd is the target audience for all the companies thats selling things from credit cards to designer clothes to designer houses to local flavors to low cal flavours and everything in between and all around.. a wonderful economy with people who have the money and people who want to make money… is that so bad? not at all, but while we do the accumulation of currency, is it so difficult to go about in a dignified way? is it one big bag which will either hold money or decency… i somehow dont think so… but then it does take a good soul to be decent even when you dont have to be…
and to come full circle, after the Apple fiasco a few months back, its now the turn of Intel to shut down some of its developmental operations in India… is it time now for Bangalore to be Bangalored?

until next time, whine and bear…

6 thoughts on “Bangalored…

  1. May sound cliched yet the outsourcing culture had to have a wave like effect…where in it came in catching everyone off guard and of course it had to recede as well. Though the receding may be slow yet it is inevitably going to happen.
    To agree with what u say regarding the arrogance, certain people think that they rule the world…what they do how they do is perfect…and rightly stated by you the traffic on the roads is a perfect example.

  2. What worries me is the incessant consumer culture being accultured on a land that is already losing its eco-balance.

  3. I know someone who is very rude to sales people. He is quite young at his early thirties and a CEO of a company.

    pity him as he is missing out on humanity.

  4. It takes all kinds, ManuJi and what goes around comes around..nature has a strange way of drumming in sense.

  5. anz: thats a very interesting analogy 🙂

    blokes: eco balance would only be a concern for people who had a consideration for life after them… unfortunately.. thats also part of the selfish state of times..

  6. arunima: like austere has said, it will come around…

    austere: agree, though i do hope that rule still applies…

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