Humanity can be broadly divided into four based on how that title was interpreted.. of course, the fact that most of humanity does not read this blog is irrelevant in this context, because the ‘humanity’ i speak of itself is subjective..
That humanity is itself skewed, because by definition, one of the PHPs can be understood onlyby Indians, and the other, only by the technically unchallenged… the first kind of humanity is the kind that says ‘Oh, of course’ when i say PHP stands for Phir Hera Pheri.. the second is the kind that says ‘Oh, of course’ when i say its a recursive acronym that stands for PHP: Hypertext Processor (of course i had to google for it, you thought this was a lazy post, huh?)….. the third kind of humanity is the kind that says ‘Oh, of course’ irrespective of which version i tell them… and the fourth kind is the one that says ‘Oh’ irrespective of which version i tell them…
the subjectivity comes in because only the first two are included in the scope of this post, i hate the third because i have to include it, and the fourth will still be saying ‘Oh’ after the post…
I am one of the guys who actively started using a comp only after it changed its interface from alien green coding type to friendly clickable types.. i took up blogging also because of an easy interface… i think i stopped growing after that, because everything’s made easy with Blogger… i have managed to do good copy paste, thats how this look came about, because i just needed to tweak the code and add the image.. there wouldnt have been a snag, but for the fact that i feel limited sometimes, like this one, was all geek and latin to me, but would have loved to be part of it… i started education again recently and was getting somewherewith feeds and tags… but then these guys (the second and third kind) have to keep changing everything always… its a little like the first time i was in Bombay, and was learning hindi numeral, by the time i read the number and checked my guide, the damn bus was gone!!
so, you would ask, why dont i learn code.. well, around 6 years back, i enrolled myself to learn C , a year later, i was still there, @ C.
so, as you must have guessed, this post is the result of two things – the conspicuous shortage of intelligent thoughts that make a post, and the conspicuous frustrations of being technologically challenged 
until next time, hope you C the point!!