It is time for one last stand
Humans and mutants cant go hand in hand
Its also time for the man of steel to land
and demolish the bald villain’s castles in sand..
When battles within and without make us sore
Super heroes are what we are searching for
Maybe we need to think about it some more
Seems humanity is what we choose to ignore
And if at the end of the road
There is indeed a heavenly abode
Would it actually lessen our worldly load
If we managed to break the code
until next time, rhyme is crime
Initially i thought this was an ode to “X-Men”
nice poem and the underlying theme!
the first thot that popped into mind was da vinci code. jesus!
With some minor modifications,this would easily pass off as the theme song of any sci-fi movie.
thx aqua
cynic: and that was my last
trj: hehe