It was towards the weekend that i realised that a lot of it was lost. i cant remember the single moment of realisation, but i have a feeling it was subconsciously being lost all the while, yet the extent was not so large as to trigger the alarm…
And so i started searching for it… i used it both at office and home, actually everywhere, but since i couldnt search everywhere, the search was broadly categorised into home and office..i figured it was the office because i was careful about its usage at home, what with the wife keeping a close watch and all.. i asked my colleagues, who while promising help, didnt have too much of an idea on what could be done…i even spoke to my boss and said that this was aserious matter, that he should take it up at some forum, and that i would have some of my attention on it so i dont lose it further…
i checked all the drawers and the cupboards, the loo and even the comp, since it was also in the usage domain – excel, word, the internet.. all the while i was getting clues, but nothing concrete..and then, slowly but surely the realisation dawned on me that it was being lost everywhere- all the places mentioned above and more.. and i also realised that it was being lost even as i searched for it – Time….
until next time, you think Google can help?
The trigger was a comment on one of the egroups i am a part of..
until next time, you think Google can help?
The trigger was a comment on one of the egroups i am a part of..
I thought you were talking about your mind.
lol – google ur brain
Prolonged search makes way for more such searches!!!
no, not at all
No, I don’t think Google can help. Tragic, isn’t it?
LOL…youve lost it!!!!
Hyde: hmmmph!!
prerona: thats not far off, i guess, in their scheme of things
stone: ur profoundness is becoming scarier.
arunima: didnt think so either
anjali: very
anz: yup, thats a common opinion
since all possible comments have been posted, wont take up more..