‘Oh, thats not bad for his experience and ability’ immediately took me to SwB’s post sometime back on how we judge each other based on what we do, and where we have reached in our career.. its a regular occurence in many discussions – the interest and attention generated is very much in proportion to one’s designation, place of work, salary, job profile et al…but whats also regular is that we are judgemental, period..
where i come from, families also get judged by the jewellery the woman of the house wears for functions.. at other times, they get judged by the talents of the kids they produce, ridiculous as it may sound… in other places,the wedding functions thrown are indicators of the family’s stature and financial position..
And its just not reality alone, on the virtual paths we travel, there are those of us who judge blogs on the comments generated, and those of us who like to think that we are above such trivial things, and judge based on the quality of the post, or who all link to the blog…
perhaps its because we are so used to finding happiness outside ourselves, that we are forever searching for others to compare with, and get the satisfaction that ‘ i am better than him/her’..its funny because even when i write this, i have to force myself to be non judgemental…and its also funny, we forget about the judgements when we compare favourably, and think about it only when we dont match up.. a defense mechanism automatically pops up, and we argue on why it isnt exactly as rosy as it looks… and so it shouldnt surprise anyone that the conversation ends with ‘but i bet he slogs till midnight…
until next time, and they say judgement day is coming…
Btw, I think your blog rocks
Well I guess it depends on how one looks at it.. for me.. its not a question of one better than the other.. its just one’s style and thought and one should be comfortable with it.. the grass is always greener the other side… and we always tend to think that our peers are doing better than us whereas we are all in the same boat in some way or the other…
never liked judging though being human it does come on pretty strongly … But then I guess I am trying to be very comfortable with my style of life and living and well let the others live the the way they want to be.. a difficult proposition, i know but it never harms to try..
Till next time.. keep your goals your own and not mix it with someone elses..
On my part, I do what best is possible from my side. I am my own competitor.
And what about people being judged by the blog they maintain?
judging is one thing but comparing….arghhh……
thx sagar
pallavi: thats good advice, i say
stone: it almost goes hand in hand…