Private eye

A few weeks back, a lil spat reminded me of the fact that we really dont know each other at all.. we are connected only by thoughts and words, and while it could be that our personality is reflected in blogs, the reverse could also hold true.. that we are competely different from our blogs..
And its not just blogs, our entire persona thats on display all the time, may only be a part of what we are.. and there may be parts of us which we even hide from ourselves.. a secret that we keep even from ourselves, thoughts and emotions which, if expressed might end up hurting ourselves and others, and could be totally against the social norms that we follow…
and while we judge people on a regular basis, unwittingly, we also end up judging ourselves..judging ourselves with a private eye, that reveals itself rarely, and lets us know that perhaps even we dont know ourselves well enough.. maybe i should try and discover more about myself …. and get in touch with the private I…
until next time, maybe we should also respect privacy….

10 thoughts on “Private eye

  1. I for one would not mix the emotions too much.. be friendly yet keep the privacy in tact.. online and offline..
    Judgement.. well ,… who are we to judge.. even ourselves.. ?? I personally feel that one should strive to enhance their strengths and overcome their weaknesses.. every second.. and not think.. what is the other one thinking ? or why did one do that.. one must have problems… etc etc.. makes for a much better living.. I say.. 🙂 hugssss if you are feeling low.. ?:)

    By the way you have been tagged.. do try it .. 🙂

  2. i really think you cant know someone from their blog. far from it. its just something ur writing. does hamlet tell u what shakespear was like? 🙂

  3. personally, and i can only give my own views 🙂 , i write what is there on my mind, the person i am in my mind. and maybe the person i am Not in person. know what i mean. but the self-judgemental factor does come in even in cyberspace as we interact with each other and take that ‘getting to know one another’ to the next level by being ‘regulars’, knowing what kind of posts to expect from a person. thats knowing the other person a tad more right?

  4. I actually think that the aspect of our personalities that we reveal in blogworld can be far more interesting than that in the ‘real’ world. Even if we’re ‘just writing’ something as prerona says, our writing is saying something about who we are and what’s on our minds. You can’t know the whole person, but you can discover an aspect of the person that is really engaging, and that you connect with.

    I remember reading a post by Amit Varma recently about meeting up with long-time blog buddies for the first time, and spontaneously falling into the pattern of an old friends’ reunion … and I can understand how that might happen

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