The Morning news

He walked around the room, as if caged. and every minute, his anger grew.. for the third morning in a row, he had not got the newspapers. he had already called the vendor a couple of times, in the last two days. he had thought that at least today things would return to normal. but it didnt seem like it would. and it was no fun going down two floors of stairs to see if the paper had come, and discovering that it had not. he loved the view from the terrace, but living on the second floor had its own drawbacks. in irritation he called up the vendor again.
‘Sir, we have already sent it” said the vendor
‘well, i havent been getting the paper for 2 days now. tell the paperboy very clearly it is the second floor’.
‘sir, it could be that the people on the ground floor have been taking your paper. dont worry, sir, i have given the boy special instructions.
‘ok. i will wait.’
saying so, he ended the conversation. he decided he would resume his ‘caged walk’ on the terrace,with an occasional peep downstairs to see if the paper had come.
the boy had been getting a beating for no fault of his own, for the past couple of days. apparently some guy had not been getting the newspaper for two days now. he knew the house, and also knew what might be happening to the paper. he had told his boss, and today, his boss had given him some special instructions. he hoped it would work, he hated getting beaten. he reached the house, and took the special bundle, special, because the two newspapers were bound together with a cord. and with all his might, heaved it towards the second floor terrace.
at that exact moment, the man looked down… and hard hitting news got a whole new meaning!!
until next time, this is the lead story!!

29 thoughts on “The Morning news

  1. nupur: which is another feather in the cap for technology..:(

    parna: the reasoning was right.. since the paper was left on the ground floor, the people who moved in there recently felt it was theirs…

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