Thats what he liked to call his mind… for though he had a huge workshop around him, he felt that his mind was where the real workshop was.. at least he had felt so until recently, but things were changing now..
he remembered a time long ago, when he was asked to start from a single room office.. the guys who gave him the responsibility had only a bare vision of what his roles and responsibilities should be.. he had developed the entire operation from scratch…and being very process driven, he had slowly but surely ensured that his workshop was extremely systemic…
and thus over a period of time, people had started to use his services more and more.. in fact a vast majority felt that his serices were an integral part of existence, and that was the way it was meant to be…and thus, as his workshop and its target population became more and more systemic, he began to devote more and more time to think up ways to increase the efficiency of his workshop,and to devise more and more ways to entice his target, and the more thinking he did, the more he felt that his mind was the real workshop…
but these days things were changing..some people had begun to improvise on his services so much that they had done things even before he thought about them… there was nothing he could thinko f that they hadnt done already… he began to feel that there was no work to be done in his mind, his real workshop…
but meanwhile the workshop around him flourished, with more and more souls joining everyday…he felt that the constant heat was taking its toll on him, and maybe it was time to retire…
once upon a time the humans had a saying about him -“an idle mind is the devil’s workshop”.. but the way humanity was systematically destroying everything that was good, and generally doing his job for him, he felt that it was high time that they changed the saying to “the devil’s mind is an idle workshop”….
until next time, whats on your mind??
Nice twist to the tale.
begs the question- will he emigrate to greenback land too?
inkz: but possible?
austere: thats the place which has taken up most of his work!!
wat do i say???!!
my mind is blank….or shud i say it is idle?
An idle devil is the Human’s brain
devil: :))
NHB: not idle at all….
amazing….ur mind for sure works a lot.
keep writing
vanilla: what exactly are u implying? lol
stone: that i will
got it on the first line, Manu!:P
Ooooh another Scrypty tale!
okie this is like da third time im thinkin o commenting…but i jus dono wat 2 say…so ill stay mum.
Now who’s the devil here??!
coolcat: well, they say it takes a…. :p
garf-fie: maybe u need a vacation
elixir: yup yup, a sure sign of wisdom
nupur: miss nupur :p
Interesting .. workshop it is… but definitely not idle
hi first time here really liked ur blog the layout is real nice and ur writing styles nice too take care n drop by my blog sometime
pallavi: but soon will be …
anz: will do, thx for dropping in