The walk of life……

His parents had an arranged marriage, so they had little option but to marry each other..He was born in 1964, because that was when his parents decided to have him…..He did not spend his initial life in a big city, because his dad didnt like big cities…He didnt get educated in any big reputed school, […]

The wave of relief…

He was shocked when he got the call from the CM’s office. actually it was a combination of two shocks, one that the cm of a state could blatantly ask for a bribe, and two, they had found out the truth about his activities…it was all because of his girlfriend’s stupid idea… when they had […]

The Workshop

Thats what he liked to call his mind… for though he had a huge workshop around him, he felt that his mind was where the real workshop was.. at least he had felt so until recently, but things were changing now..he remembered a time long ago, when he was asked to start from a single […]