He was watching her, in fact, he had been watching her for quite sometime now… a week… like with every other ‘contract’ he had in the past, he studied his victim… but this one was not just another victim, this one was the retirement plan.. he was suddenly reminded of the character made famous by Forsyth, in fact, that character had been one of his inspirations to get into this trade… the sheer excitement of having control over someone’s future, and the someone not even having a clue about it… but he quickly pulled his thoughts back, for Forsyth’s character had messed up his own retirement plan..
the person he was watching…. a pretty middle aged woman, who balanced a successful professional life and a stable personal life… her husband was also an extremely successful professional in his chosen field… and the kids were doing very well in college…if his line of work hadnt made him so cold and unemotional, he would have really not wanted to harm this family in any way…but it had…
and so it was , that after intense scrutiny for a week, he had finally spotted the chink in her schedule which would help him make the clean hit, without anyone knowing it, until it was too late… as he waited in the small dark room opposite the building she would be entering in a short while, he thought about success… her success was exactly what was working against her now… she was the key decision maker in a multi billion contract, and the people who had paid him didnt exactly like the way her decisions were going… so they had paid him to make sure that she was removed from her position, forever..
she entered the building, without as much as a glance around, and as he knew she would, went straight to the fourth floor, first apartment on the left… her lover was waiting for her, and they went straight to the master bedroom… again, he knew that and was waiting with his sights fixed on the window.. he wondered how they could be so stupid as to not close the windows.. strange, but that was not his business, and besides, it made things easier for him…
the first shot happened while the last bit of undressing was going on.. and was followed by around 20 shots…… he wanted to make sure…no one saw the tiny sparks of light during each shot… and blissfully unaware of all this, they were on a roll, in more ways than one…
his paymasters were happy with the results.. the woman resigned from her job because she couldnt allow photos of her affair going out in public…and therefore she couldnt take any decisions on the billion dollar contract…the lover was a high profile guy himself and was silent on the whole issue..
and he was happy, he could retire in style… as the best’ contract killer’ in the corporate world…..
until next time, who says shots in the dark dont work??
P.S: happy birthday, wifey…
I thought it is on the 9th. Never mind, wish D for me.
lol!! gives a whole new meaning to the phrase “contract killer”…:)
very nice manu!
and a very happy b’day to wifey from me too…:)
(lookin aroud the workplace for ammunition, suchlike)
btw if the buildings were too far apart he cdnt hv focused; and if they were too close they wd hv drawn curtains. no?
and nvr mind d technical details
The moral of the story… chicks be CAREFUL!! Haina Manu? Yahi thha na??
Many happy returns of the day to ur better half!! Hope you guys had a nice time.
what a chilling happy budday story!!!!:p thank god wifey is not into reading in between the lilnes:D
a surprise as always :P. Happy birthday to Mrs.Manuscrypts from me too! Does she also read your blog?
hahahahhaa…a hidden mesg to wifey eh! that does make a nice b’day present

wish her a happy bday frm me n a happy woman’s day too
A great gift for me. Just loved it hus… Your creativity surpasses my perception!
Loved it! Loved it! Loved it!
Big kiss (see you tomorrow?)
pleo: did
ashi: that was the idea
austie: he thought they were being stupid, mayb they were.. btw, zoom 24x … possible?
grinch: yup yup, thats always the disclaimer..:).. if i were creative, we cd call it creative license …hehe
nupur: aisa kuch bhi nahi tha :(.. but if u insist
rapunzel: i hadn’t even thought abt it that way.. :o.. but, hmmm
cc: used to, not now, no internet in office, so she gets to read previews…..:)
devil: what a devilish thought… but will wish her…
that was well written.. heard some stories like that…
and hope you had a great birthday.. celebration together !!
nopes, it aint the wife, but i liked the kiss ;)..lol
pallavi: thank ye… all i can say is, when i said celebration, wife said ‘my foot’.. which incidentally is fractured..so..:)
Hey Manu… Nice story!
Can I know who is your real wife? I mean – you accept the kiss and is not from your wife… That is not nice.
Always a twist in the tale …. you’re better than Archer, Manu !
tyler: well, all i’ll say is that i’ve been kissed by my mom, my grandmom, my sis, a whole lot of aunts, a few friends, so…
ash: *blushes* now now…
happy belated bday to her.